Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Trick (5) Division Without Dividing


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Puzzle (4)


Sunday, March 26, 2017

How do I get rid of exam fear?

Prepare as well as you can for your exam. Know where and when your exam will be held. Make sure you know what kinds of questions will be on it. Try not to think about it too much and remind yourself that you are well prepared for it whenever the anxiety strikes.

How do you study for an exam when you don't know the material?

Focus on learning key concepts, which are usually bolded in a textbook. If your teacher gave you a study guide, stick to the topics listed in the guide.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

How do I study when I am too tired from school?

If you are too tired from school, set an alarm for 30 minutes and take a nap. When you get up, you feel more refreshed. Have an energetic snack, then get stuck into the studying. The nap is a great way to rejuvenate your body and your senses, and give you some more energy. Try to go to be earlier and consider studying early in the morning as well.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Trick (4) Multiply Double Digits Numbers By 11


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How much should I sleep the night before exams?

Getting enough sleep is really important if you want to do well on your exams. Don't make the mistake of staying up all night studying, only to end up too tired to remember anything on exam day! Everyone's sleep needs are different, but try to get at least 8 hours each night, and never less than 7 hours, especially before exams.

Puzzle (3)


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Week (6) Math Heroes


 Saleh Al-Fares

Mohamed Al-Khars

Faisal Al-Sahood

Hassan Al-Hussain

Majed Al-Dossary



Ali Al-Dawood

Ali Al-Hajji



 Ibrahim Al-Jerry

Adeeb Aqil

Ali Al-Ghasham

Mohamed Ismail



Anas Al-Sadiq 

Hassan Al-Bather 

Ziad Al-Jabr


Saturday, March 18, 2017

How do I understand math?

Math is a game. When you are studying a method or formula, you should know the reason it is that way to make it crystal-clear. For example, if you are learning multiplication, and you get a question "7X5", it is really asking what is the number you get when you add five 7s or seven 5s. If you have difficulties in understanding a concept or more watch Khan Academy videos or ask your teacher, a smart friend, or a family member for help.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

trick (3) Easily Remember Multiples Of 9


Monday, March 13, 2017

Puzzle (2)

what is the missing number ????


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week (5) Math Heroes

Grade 4A

Mohamed Al-Khars

Saleh Al-Fares

Hassan Al-Hussain

Mansour Al-Abbas

Abdullah Al-Hakeem

Elyas Al-Bahrani

Faisal Al-Sahood


Grade 4B

Ali Al-Dawood

Ali Al-Hajji

Sultan Al-Qahtani


Grade 5

Ibrahim Al-Jery

Hassan Al-Janobi

Ali Al-Ghasham

Ahmed Al-Rasasy

Abdullah Al-Heffa

Abdulrahman Al-Subaie


Grade 6

 Anas Al-Sadiq

 Zeyad Al-Jabr

Suliman Al-Hussain


Grade 7

Ahmed Salem

Abdullatif Al-Taweel

Zayed Al-Subaie


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Adding and Subtracting Fractions game for Grade 5



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